Another blue blog

I know that my english is not that good. But I do my best! :)

One week on vacation in a summer house. Plus images

A night with bats.

one evening while we were in the summer house. There were many bats outside the house, And i mean a lot of them!

Me and my family were playing cards, at the time when i saw it. We were playing a game called 31. It's actually very fun!
After the first game, i went outside to get a smoke. Then one of the bats flew into me while i was outside. It was very disgusting! I hate bats, so this was not the best evening for me!

The mixing battery in the shower .

Well, one day I had to go the bathroom to take a bath. So i just took off all my clothes as usually when i go to bath. Now the first thought that went through my mind was. " Now i don't hope that the tank with warm water is empty! " Lucky for me it wasn't!

Inside the bath there was this mixing battery, to mix cold and warm water. One handle to adjust how much pressure i want on the water. And a handle to adjust the water temperature.
I turned on the water and waited for the warm water to run through the pipes. Finaly the water started to get warm. But too warm!? I tried to make the water cooler, by turning the temperature handle down at cold. But it didn't work.

After a couple of minutes, the temperature handle dropped off! And all the hot water was now flowing out at me! It was very hot, so i shouted to my father that he should come and fix it! My father came, but he could not fix it. It was broken.

We then had to close our water supply, and wait for my dad to by us a new water mixer! so i didn't get to go to bath that day!

Football. children against parents

One day we all decided to play football! It was very fun, to play against my parents! It was me, my sister at 13, and my brother at 9. Against my mother at 43 and my dad at 48! Me and my siblings started out the lead. We had 6 points and my parents had 2 points. Then we took a short break to breathe! My conditioning was not very good And nor was my parents. After the break we continued playing. But now it was the parents that were leading! I didn't like that, becouse i don't like to loose. But enough of that! My parents won the game, sadly for me!

After the game, we all went down to the city to buy an icecream. And to look around at the different stores! Me and my mom found a very nice store, with some very cool clothes! But i couldn't afford any of it. So after a nice little walk in the city, we were going home again.


I also spend some time making some drawings! :)

This one took me about 5 hours to make this! I was inspired by one of the trees in the garden. But it doesn't look like that tree at all huh! i think i need some practise:) I like drawing. But i just dont have the time to get in to it, so it's only when i'm bored i draw.

This one is a fantasi tree. I wanted to make a tree that doesn't look like any other tree! I got my inspiration from a cactus! Year i know that it seems strange, but i think that it's becouse of the trees that was around me, when i made this drawing. and then i think i have mixed the caktus with a normal tree. :)

This one is a tree seen more close up. At the left you can see the tree trunk. And out from that there goes a branch, with some leaves on. I have really tried to make this one simple. becouse i got bore of drawing all those leaves! So i didn't want to make a lot out of this one :)

I got my inspiration from the disney movie called "Chip and Chap" i don't know, whether you know it? :)
Ps. Look at the shadow effect on the tree trunk :)

The last thing i did up there in the summer house. a trip to a small Salt Center

I think it was quite exiting to go to the Salt Center! They had a lot of cool things to look at and some funny things to do. Like a pool where the water was consisted of 30% salt. Then they had a small cinema, where they everyone could watch and learn about the history of salt. Rather funny actually.

Now i have some pictures to sh
ow you! :)
  1. where they make salt.

  2. The salt pool.

  3. The salt mine

  4. The funride/Cinema

  5. And finaly the store!

And finaly i want to tell you about what i think of this salt center.

I did pay a lot to get a ticket to this center. And there wasn't that much to see for that high price, so i just tried everything twice. :P

So i would not go there again. I have been at a much bigger salt center/mine! That one was i polen. It was VERY!! Huge. There was over 2000 room to look at! And some very big salt sculptures. Can you imagine to be 300 meters underground in a massive underground church? Year, I'm not joking! A church, 300 meters underground. The mineworkers had such a thing, so that they could go to church after work. Becouse it was very dangerous to work down there! But enough of that :) i promise to post some fotos from the one in polen later. :)

And this is the end of that post! Hope you liked it? :)
As allways, you can reach me on mail:

But before i leave i want to say thanks to this site: LINK for uploading some great pictures! :)

And to my parrent, for taking me on this great vacation

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