Another blue blog

I know that my english is not that good. But I do my best! :)

Things to know about santa

Helo everyone! And happy 2 Decemper :)

I hope that you all enjoyed the game-sites i posted yesterday? Todays post is going to be about santa and things you should know about him! :)

Santa and CocaCola
Before the 1931 introduction of the Coca-Cola. Santa Claus created by artist Haddon Sundblom, the image of Santa ranged from big to small and fat to tall. Santa even appeared as an elf and looked a bit spooky.

So if it wasn't for CocaCola, santa wouldn't look anything like he does today! :)

Santa and the devil
There is an old saying, that santa is made by the devil to make us forget jesus!

The end

Come back again tomorrow, where I will post "where the first snowman came from"
Best of luck, from Jim Rasmussen! :)

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